Importing login details: username and starting date

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Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von ggna »


when importing a list of new users from a CSV file, I understand that the first line should contain the internal names for the fields to be imported correspondingly. Is there a list of names for available fields?

In particular, I would like to import usernames and starting dates (i.e. the date at which membership starts for a given user). Since I want the username to coincide with a user's email, I duplicated the E-mail column, and assigned it the name "Username" to it. I also filled the column "Start" with the wanted value, in the yyyy-mm-dd format.

However, after importing data, usernames are NULL, (emails are correct, though), and starting dates are set to the default value of "today".

Any help?

Many thanks!
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Registriert: 13. Aug 2023, 16:29

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von ggna »

Hi again,

to the first question in the original question to the present thread (i.e. setting username equal to email) I could answer by means of the following MySQL query (to be issued after the original CSV import has been done via the website form):

UPDATE adm_organization_users users SET usr_login_name = (SELECT usd_value FROM adm_organization_user_data user_data WHERE user_data.usd_usr_id = users.usr_id AND user_data.usd_usf_id = 11) WHERE usr_login_name IS NULL;

where "organization" is the name of your organization, as defined in the first steps of Admidio installation, and "11" is the value of usd_usf_id in table adm_ehprg_user_data corresponding to the email (in my installation).
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Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von fasse »

Since version 4.1 it‘s possible to import username and passwords for new users. But only administrators are allowed to do this.

You can create an own profile field called "Starting date" and after you have create it, you can import data into this field the the default import.
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Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

Thanks for this detail. This partly answers my own previous question about defining passwords for a member if we (the administrators) want to add a person and their password.
Therefore, can I understand that if I have a block of members that I want to add (say if we are creating a new membership year for all our registered and renewed members at a particular point in the year), we can:
1. use their email address as a registered user name
2. define a specific password for the user, should we want them to have access to their own profile (so that they can add their address, etc., into their profile)?
Thank you also 'gnna' for the SQL code for checking the fields. I can see if I can use that to define some sort of 'loading sheet' of fields in Excel to enable our membership secretaries to bulk upload their members.
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Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von fasse »

Yes, you can assign one column of you CSV or Excel to the username and another column to the password. The content of the columns is you specification.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

Fasse, all,
Thanks for the confirmation regarding the 'One column user-name, one column password' response.
Apologies for the rather late response to that but, would it therefore be possible to update the user data base with, say,
User name, First name, Surname, Address fields (Street 1 & 2, Town, City, Country, Post/ZIP code), date of joining/renewal, password, etc.?
The reason for this is that the non-profit academic society we are hoping to use this membership database for, begins its membership year at a fixed date every year (1st September), and the members (over 200) are based in various parts of Canada and the rest of the world, and would normally send in a completed membership form to the central office or their local Chapter, (Toronto, Montreal or Calgary), for registration.
While I realise that members might want to update their address, it makes sense, certainly while we are just setting up and getting used to a database, for our central office to do all the 'diffcult bit' of adding the basic data to the database, at least while the system is 'new'. In addition, as we can centrally populate the database, we can ensure that the data we hold is correct and in the correct format, and then pass the log-in details over to individual members to check their details via an auto-sent email.
If it IS possible to upload a number of fields in that way, we can obviously build some sort of SQL or similar script, but for that we would need to know the tables and fields that would be affected. Is it possible that you could advise on that so that I can try out an upload or two first?
I will be travelling to Toronto for the society's annual conference at the start of next month (November) from my home in Portugal, where I'd hope to demonstrate the possibilities of using such a system to the remainder of our Board of Trustees. If I could be able to show them something at that point, we will be really pleased, I'm sure.
I hope that that is not an impossible request.
For your information, our society is the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, based in Canada. Their main website is, although we intend to put the administration and membership admidio database/website under a different URL only for the use of a small administrators and as a general 'members' only website, once they have registered with us and paid their memberships.
Peter Robinson
SSEA webmaster.
Beiträge: 6149
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von fasse »

Hi Robinson,

why don't you try Admidio and play a little bit with the import.

Our import is very flexible. You can add new users but you could also update existing user data. You can assign columns of your excel file to each Admidio column and you are free to say which excel column match which Admidio profile field. Just try it out.

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Importing login details: username and starting date

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

Hi Fasse,
Yes... I've tried it out offline with a 'test' excel file of a coupl;e of 'dummy members' and one pre-existing member (me), on my PC-based webserver and it looks like it has worked!
So for the benefit of anyone else interested in this thread, in effect the stages that we would carry out are:
1. we can create a template in Excel with the appropriate fields we wish to populate
2. when we wish to bulk upload members, we populate a copy of that template with the data (not every field need be completed unless it's a required field in our membership database)
3. We go to the appropriate admin page with our admin rights and then click on the 'Import members' button
4. We are then given the option of matching our upload fields with those in the database, which we can then amend or accept. We are also given the option to update pre-existing members or adjust in other ways (I will need to check all that side out)
5. We then submit the details and that then drops the data into the database.

Further action I will need to check, is the generation of the email template using this data, and to try it in the 'live system' with a number of our Board members.
So the system looks like it's just what we want... Perfect! Now to do some further checking and write a manual for our administrative users...
Thank you very much for this which looks like it will be a 'game-changer' for the runnming of our membership database!
Peter Robinson,
SSEA Webmaster