Plugin: Form Filler - Exclusion List Support

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Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Plugin: Form Filler - Exclusion List Support

Beitrag von RVice »

This issue is a bit tied to the "deceased" issue, but slightly more involved. Follow the scenario below and you'll see a bit of the mess.

1. We want to snail mail to our "former members" to try and reconvert them. Using the Form Filler Plugin, I simply use "former member" from the standard membership categories (we have Life Member and Member).
2. Here comes the problem. I have a category called "Deceased" apply it to the appropriated passed on former members, remove the membership category, and here we have the problem of mailing stuff to dead people. In this case, I'd like to exclude "Deceased"
3. Second issue, if a Member graduates to Life Member, they will then show as a former "Member" because of the graduation. I wouldn't want to send them a letter asking them for dues, when a life member pays no dues.

I know this creates some tricky logic in the inclusion lists, but it would be super helpful to be able to manage this within the tools. My only alternative is to go external to Excel/Sheets and apply some filter formulas.
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Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Plugin: Form Filler - Exclusion List Support

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

Thinking about your 'non-deceased but lapsed' members, I am assuming that you have a Boolean .T./.F. or .Y./.N. field for 'deceased'.
Just a thought... what about rather than just such a field, instead have a string field (length 1 or 2, perhaps)? That way, you could set that field (let's call it 'Status') so that, again let's say:
If Status = null/' ' -> they are alive and a 'normal' member
if Status = 'D' then they are deceased
if Status = 'F' then they are a 'former' ie lapsed member and can be approached for signing up again
if Status = 'L' then they are a Lifetime member and needn't be approached again

Would this be a workable solution? Please let us know since it would be useful, I'm sure for many of us who have long-term members who may or may not drop out after a wile for whatever reason.
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Re: Plugin: Form Filler - Exclusion List Support

Beitrag von RVice »

I haven't used a checkbox, I use a membership category instead. This creates other problems as I'm sure you could guess. Part of my solution here is to review the "Deceased category" and ensure no email, phone or address exists.

Status would certainly be helpful and allow a workflow to be built out.

Automations could then be setup that a "member" who has not paid by a certain date (paid date) would then go into the "arrears" status before we manually move them to "former" status. The life-member check is really just to ensure the "life" part still exists (i.e. are they responsive if we have not found an obituary or heard from family)

We also have the challenge of some of our life members calling "non-members" life-members just because they've been around for ages, but actually "quit" the club years ago for whatever reason. Some with statements "because of ____ I will no longer be a member of this club"