Deceased Members question

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Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Deceased Members question

Beitrag von RVice »

We have had a few members pass away and I was wondering if there was a way to have a flag that they are deceased and we should stop trying to reach out. While I could "delete" the former member, it is really nice to have the history and at times help give the family some info on their involvement.

My workaround, create a membership category "deceased" and then when I'm putting together a print roster, exclude members with this role.

For a feature request, if there isn't a better way, is to include an option the roles to "exclude" from things like:
Category Report (what I generate our print roster from)
Adding to Events
Ability for others to communicate with that former member
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Registriert: 2. Aug 2023, 22:11

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von robinson_pj_ssea »

I am new to Admidio and also to the Forum, having only just set up a membership database on our non-profit academic web space over in Canada and on my own off-line server, here on my PC in Portugal. Thank you for asking this question. Although I notice the question is less than a month old (3rd Aug 2023), have you come across any solutions yet?
My initial thought would be a field in the 'user' table, with a 'Deceased' boolean field (and probably fields of notification date and date of death), and then it would be possible to set some sort of filter up to identify (or filter out) deceased members.

If you do get a solution to this, I'd be very interested since our non-profit group does have a wide age range of members, some of whom are 'getting on in life' and others have passed away in some cases rather unexpectedly. So any solution will be a great benefit to us!

Peter Robinson
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von RVice »

I don't have a failsafe solution yet. Reason I say failsafe, we made a call tree for a recent event we had, and we had a couple deceased members in the call tree.

The workaround for part of this involves exporting to a CSV then running some Excel/Google Sheet formulas to filter out the Category report.

The slightly less messy solution would be to have a "custom query" within Admidio to pull lists based on the definitions. In my case where I'm using a group for Deceased, I would just have that in the exclusion criteria (i.e. Group NOT IN (Deceased))

The database solution, I imagine something similar to INACTIVE would suffice, because it some conditions I do want to see Deceased and others I do not. For instance, I'm tasked with sending snail mail to everyone in our database, excluding deceased.

Now, one could argue, just delete the deceased members and you won't see them. Unfortunately, I've been giving lists of "oh you forgot this person" and wind up adding them in again to only find out they are deceased again. A little nerve racking to the families that still have the deceased members phone number and/or address.
Beiträge: 6149
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von fasse »

Maybe I don't unterstand the problem exactly with deceased members.

In my opinion you made a deceased member to a former members within all roles. Than you would not see this members in active roles or if you send emails to roles but you have the history of that member.

Where does these members now interrupt your working flow?
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von RVice »

The problem arises from the "Show Former" option, there are times when we are trying to reconvert former members to pay dues again.

Because the "Deceased" role should not have any other roles associated, the result is to see them in "Former Member", which is not ideal.

This is where my thought of having a list of role exclusions may help with the issue. Then things could be put in line "Not Life Member AND Not Deceased AND Former Member" - this would allow communicating with actual former members
Beiträge: 6149
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von fasse »

I think to implement a special logik für deceased members would unnecessary complicate the logik of roles.

Why don't you remove the email address of deceased members? Than you will already see their former memberships and you don't communicate with them if you send mails to former members.
Beiträge: 53
Registriert: 3. Mai 2021, 21:13

Re: Deceased Members question

Beitrag von RVice »

I've done the removal of email. It sorta works, except when listing former members and using the FormFiller tool.

I'll need to revisit an "inclusion" list, that should help. Is there a way to have a role set an end-date for other roles? I think the membership fee plugin has a validation check to ensure specific roles don't overlap, I can start there.

See related post viewtopic.php?t=9700