I have created a simple script to check if a user is logged in. Returning the value of
$gValidLogin accordingly.
The use-case is:
1) A user clicks on a link to an Event on the public side of the website.
2) It sends the event parameters to the page holding the admidio iframe
3) The page checks if the user is authenticated (this is currently failing).
4) If authenticated, we replace the iframe src with the Event URL
5) If not authenticated, we redirect to sign in and then redirect again
to the Event after successful sign in.
Below is the PHP script I just wrote for step number three.
It lives here: /var/www/html/prod/admidio/adm_program/system
Code: Alles auswählen
$json = json_encode($_GET);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', true, 200);
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
exit( $json );
I have read your documentation on session management and it seem that it should work as long as I have
common.php included. I am not sure what else I can be doing?
I am using admidio version: 3.2.14
Thanks for any thoughts in advance.