Force Unauthenticated Users to Login.php ?

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Beiträge: 16
Registriert: 26. Mär 2018, 13:46

Force Unauthenticated Users to Login.php ?

Beitrag von Dushkin »

Hi Fasse (et al),

I have another question. What is the default URL I should be pointing to to ensure that when users are "not" authenticated they see the login.php screen and when they are they see some other screen, such as announcement.php?

I tried setting this under Administration > Preferences > General > Homepage(Guests) * but it doesn't seem to work. If I am unauthenticated and go to Index.php it does't redirect me to login.php. I want a behavior that forces all unauthenticated users to go to the login.php view if they are not signed in.

Is this possible?
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 26. Dez 2016, 15:19

Re: Force Unauthenticated Users to Login.php ?

Beitrag von Schwartz »

See this post: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7803

If this is not helpful, then please some more explanation