Die Suche ergab 104 Treffer

von amitabhmca
22. Mai 2018, 11:39
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Deleting or Adding New(Multiple) Organization
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 17623

Re: Deleting or Adding New(Multiple) Organization

Thank you very much Fasse.

von amitabhmca
22. Mai 2018, 11:37
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: How to undo Weblink (Multiple organization visibilty)
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4907

Re: How to undo Weblink (Multiple organization visibilty)

Thank you very much Fasse.

von amitabhmca
22. Mai 2018, 11:35
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: [Own List]Issue- unable to create list for 2 roles.
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4111

Re: [Own List]Issue- unable to create list for 2 roles.

Thank you very much Fasse.

von amitabhmca
21. Mai 2018, 16:30
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Issue with Email formatting
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3961

Re: Issue with Email formatting

I was able to sort this out. There is already a sample file (/adm_my_files/mail_templates/template.html).

Helpful post - viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7935

Updated FAQ - Question - 20 - https://www.admidio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:2.0:faq

von amitabhmca
21. Mai 2018, 13:54
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Issue with Email formatting
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3961

Issue with Email formatting

Dear All,

whenever i send email to members, it ends up as in below screenshot.

message gets aligned to center instead left side with proper formatting. How to get this sorted?

[attachment=0]Mail formating goes bad.PNG[/attachment]

von amitabhmca
17. Mai 2018, 01:17
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: Log-in without Right Hand SideBar
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 7541

Re: Log-in without Right Hand SideBar

Hello Bryan,

Check out the screenshot. Permission to be set for folders. You can select whether folder to be visible to visitors.
Admidio - Download Permission.PNG
Admidio - Download Permission.PNG (28.32 KiB) 7483 mal betrachtet
von amitabhmca
14. Mai 2018, 17:25
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: [Request] Print Preview for User profile
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 11474

Re: [Request] Print Preview for User profile

Hello Schwartz, Really appreciate your efforts and creating document. Your document talks about creating member list but what i am looking for is print preview of individual user profile like as in below screenshot..There could be a link "Print Preview" added in the top or option to expor...
von amitabhmca
14. Mai 2018, 04:00
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: Birthday Plugin
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4386

Re: Birthday Plugin

I am also facing same issue in Admidio-3.3.1
Birthday.JPG (32.62 KiB) 4356 mal betrachtet
von amitabhmca
14. Mai 2018, 01:38
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: Calendar plugin - CSS wird nicht geladen
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 8657

Re: Calendar plugin - CSS wird nicht geladen

Hi pphlwmarcel, Thank you very much. I just tried and my calendar looks nice. [attachment=1]Calendar.PNG[/attachment] I also tried adding below line for birthday and it looks better.. [code]<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo ADMIDIO_URL .'/adm_plugins/b...
von amitabhmca
13. Mai 2018, 04:31
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: [Plugin - Sidebar Calendar] - No category in drop down
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 11072

Re: [Plugin - Sidebar Calendar] - No category in drop down

Hello Ximex,

My calendar issue is similar as reported in this post - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7925

von amitabhmca
13. Mai 2018, 04:15
Forum: Fragen und Probleme zu den Plugins
Thema: Calendar plugin - CSS wird nicht geladen
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 8657

Re: Calendar plugin - CSS wird nicht geladen

Hi pphlwmarcel,

Could you please elaborate more, what exactly you did you achieve this?

Did you add some code in my_header.php and its working?

von amitabhmca
12. Mai 2018, 06:13
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: How to add drop down for Modules/Administration/Plugin on Overview Page after login
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3733

How to add drop down for Modules/Administration/Plugin on Overview Page after login

Dear All, As there are number of sidebar stuff, Modules/Administration/Plugin links goes to side bottom so every time, need to scroll all the way down.It will be easy if we can incorporate drop down menus in the modern theme in upcoming version.. Can someone suggest how can i achieve something like...
von amitabhmca
12. Mai 2018, 05:48
Forum: English Support Forum
Thema: [Request] Print Preview for User profile
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 11474

Re: [Request] Print Preview for User profile

Hello Schwartz, Thank you for taking time to reply. I have already tried all kind of PDF creators and it doesn't work and hence created the topic here.. Please let me know if you had any success getting profile print preview without these issues? Please check out below screenshots how everything lo...